Sunday, January 12, 2014

DiGi Challenge for Change is back!

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Nowadays we live a life fully with apps and surely it brings tremendous changes to us. I guess none of us owning a smart phone without apps in it =.=''
Every single apps has its own function as they are created for maximum usage and benefit. We used to access into social media platforms, navigate roads, communicate with one another and even for entertainment purposes.

Now, it's time for an innovative change! It's a chance for you to create your own history with amazing ideas and creativity. DiGi Challenge for Change needs you!

What is DiGiCFC?
It's a programme in search of Malaysia's top mobile apps idea with maximum functionality, greater quality, depth and relevance through new categories within Malaysians and local apps developers. With the theme of  'Bringing Malaysians together, One App At A Time', DiGi wants to bring Malaysians together for a positive and meaningful change through community-centric mobile apps.

The FOUR Categories
This time DiGiCFC challenges Malaysians to submit ideas and apps for 4 categories:
  • Learning & Edutainment (Make learning much more fun and effective)
  • Health & Wellness ( Improve and monitor user's progress to healthy living)
  • Discovering Cultures (To instill understanding and harmony among Malaysians with diverse culture backgrounds)
  • Connected Citizens (Bring the government and people closer)       

#IDEAJAM - idea hackathon   |   #HACK@DiGiCFC - mobile app hackathon
It's a development event which served as checkpoint for participants to refine their ideas and apps respectively, with input and insights from experts. Meanwhile, strengthened the quality and  potential of each ideas and apps.

The Two Phases
DiGiCFC is opened to all Malaysians aged 12 years and above. It will be carried out through 2 phases:
Ideation Challenge (27 Nov 2013 to 18 Jan 2014)
- Submission of ideas across four challenged categories are needed to be done on 
- Ideation workshops will be having in Universities across the country and so do #IDEAJAM
- 20 shortlisted ideators will be invited to meet various industry experts.
- The best 4 ideas will be developed into mobile apps in next phase.

App Development Challenge (26 January 2014 to 24 April 2014)
- Malaysian developers will be building mobile apps for the best 4 ideas from Ideation Challenge.
- Developers are invited to join #HACK!@DiGiCFC
- Each app will be made available for download in mobile and review by the public.

How to join?
Visit and 'submit idea'!

Pick any way to 'log in'! 

Fill in your personal details.

Then, share your ideas with us, what makes an awesome apps?  

For me, I'll be picking 'Learning & Edutainment' category. Guess I will name the apps ‘WeDesign’, an apps for all the designers around the world to upload their sketching or art piece and get rated by others. Besides, they will be able exchange some ideas and opinions. It will be something like Instagram indeed, yet it’s an arty place for all. I am a graphic design student, this apps will benefit me by gaining more comments from others so that I can improve myself and being inspired by watching others masterpiece! It can be a platform to engage with all the designers around the world, and we can instantly explore other cultures! It should be a collection from Instagram, tumblr and pinterest. It's kinda troublesome for me to view 3 apps from time to time, it's better to view them 'all-in-one' apps. 



Support partners for DiGiCFC will be Microsoft Malaysia, Digital Malaysia, Google Malaysia, 1 Malaysia For Youth and Economic Transformation Programme.

Sample Apps 
Here's some of the Season 4 Winning Apps, for more.

Create your own apps and make everyone using it!
For more information and details on participation, please visit

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