Showing posts with label criticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label criticism. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2013

How I paid for my carelessness

It's a terrible week.
I just suffered from mild food poison few days ago. After having a flash back and it happened to be having my dinner at a Mamak stall.
Unpleasant vomit feeling when I smell something that's slightly strong and eat any food,  so I just ended up finish a tiny bread in 30 minutes.
Headache that I felt my head is going to explode and it's like dragging a heavy load on.
Stomach pain like all my intestines are being squeezed and pulled, like having an tiny orchestra, I can even hear the sound that they are "working".
Serious diarrhea, visiting the toilet non-stop, I think more than 10 times, and I am still visiting the toilet this morning, I wonder if there's so many things to defecate because I didn't have much food the day before. 

Well, so I went to the doctor, and it's all the Char Kuey Teow's fault wtf! But then my friend who shared the food with me, she is very fine. Zzzzz

Maybe luck is not on my side, I lost my parking ticket today, I paid for RM30 OMFG! I wonder it's not my day or I am too careless!
It's such a terrified feeling when I was looking for my ticket. I thought it's in my car as it's what I remembered and it's definitely a habit to me.

Try to recall....
I pressed the button manually on the machine and I have my parking ticket automatically. Checked the board, "RM2 for Saturday and Sunday". I parked my car happily and I put the ticket at a space which nearby the car handle inside. I picked up non-stop calls from my supervisor and my cousin. I still saw my ticket.

After few hours, I got back to my car and I can't find my ticket. And still can't find after searching it high and low, from the car inside to the car outside. In short, I LOST it wtf!

Asked the fellow at the auto-pay counter,
Me: "I lost my ticket"
Fellow: "Did you find properly a? You need to pay RM50"
Me: *WTF? I am supposed to pay RM2 only and now I going to pay extra RM48* "Cheaper can ah?"
Fellow: " I give you discount, you just need to pay RM30 because my supervisor is not around" *so kind, somore got discount*
Me: *pulling out the money unwillingly*

I am not saying that I am stingy or what, but I feel gross to pay RM30 for parking and I have never paid this amount for parking, never at once, it's just simply a piece of tiny paper and it's all happened because of my carelessness. Damn! *shit*

Let me explain to you, why am I so sad. Maybe to you, it's just RM30, you are not itchy with this amount or even give a damn. But to me, it's a lot!

Because I rather have a set of Chocolate and cheese fondue each!
Because I rather buy a piece of cropped top online!
Because I rather buy a one- piece dress from TimeSquare!
Because I rather buy a pack of Polaroid film!
Because I rather buy about 15 Tai Yang Bing from Lavender!
Because I rather pay for toll, for a week!
Because I rather have 5 sets of Mc Chicken Set!
Because I rather pay for beanie seat at Benieplex!
Because I rather pay for  3D movie!
Because I rather visit the doctor!
Because I rather buy stickers from LINE!
Because I rather have 3 cups of Hello Kitty's Cappucino in Komugi Cafe.
Because I rather use to reload my phone's credit.
Because I rather have 2 Starbucks' drinks.
Because I rather treat my friend for anything.
Because I rather use to trim my hair, even fringe.
Because I rather buy a shades.

You see! I can do lotsa things with these 30 bucks, but I paid it for a tiny and thin paper sheet! arghhhhh

Monday, August 20, 2012

What's on man's mind?

Recalled what i have experienced last few days..

i attended a dinner event at SM. ZhongHua at Kuala Lumpur
it's an event for their school EX-students
i was kinda excited ..(i love to attend functions and events)
and i dressed in a proper manners low cut and ankled-length blue dress (because it's a school event)

my friend ,sister , aunt and I were at the same table
and some other strangers..
a man was sitting next to me, apparently he look 40 + age and seems to have a wife
The man was trying to be nice to me and so did i, trying to be polite wtf.

"how old are you?"
"i'm 19"
"are you the ex-student from this school?"
"No, i am sitting for stpm"
"you look so young"
"do you have any name card?"
"No,i am still a student" (are you deaf ? i told you i am student ,Or you meant for student cards?)

later on, he kept on refilled the drinks for me and asked me whether wanna eat this or that.
(i thought it's a proper table manners )

before we left, he popped out with this questions
"Could we exchange phone number?"
"erkk....arh....." (this is weird)
"Ah, i just wanna make friends with you"
"harrr?" (Uncle, i did think that we have generation gaps)
"where do you live?"
"HArrrr?" (wtf ?)

OMG, i wonder if i am an over-thinking person or what, 
but i am sure this conversation full of intention!
i really have no idea what he wanna do with my number 
but obviously from age , there's a HUGE gap 
and my friend told me he kept looking at me with his creepy eyes, it's like a pervert

Followed by the advancement of science and technologies, the mind of humans did change too =.=
i don't know what's on his mind.
OR he think that i look like his daughter /granddaughter wtf?
OR he just wanna be friend?(but i dont think there is a man wanna make friend with you on your first met and the victim is a youth, and the man is a MAN with wife)
OR he is really a pervert?
OR a mate wtf ? (go get your wife or a prostitute)
OR he love SMS? (No way! what conversation can we have?"dad and daughter" conversation?)

full of possibility, but i always did bad imaginations, i think he wanna get a young GF wtf
and under this situation, we quoted it as "老牛吃嫩草''
it means an old man wanna get a young woman as GF/ wife

Proof for that dinner:

Besides that, i have been once be disturbed by a man (foreigner/waiter) at a restaurant near my school compound
First met, he gave me and my friends new tissue packs for free (just our table, got free tissues)
Second met, free drinks for me only
Last met, free drinks for me only
wtf, i never been there again since that ...=.=

GOD, what happen to all these Men?
brain- fucktard?
Girls be aware of this!

Ps: For certain man, not ALL

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Single women

How's perfect is our life would be if there's no love?
why do love exist?
what is the purpose of love?
i meant the love between couple

i do think there is another way of life without love

From every movie or drama scene
Love is ubiquitous
it's a must
(or else the movie or drama will be bored)
if there is none a part of kissing, having sex or argument between couples
there will be no touching
or exciting?

 vengeance on love?
get into relationship?
 happily ever after?
commit suicide after the heartbreak?
triangular love?
forbidden love like Romeo and Juliet?
or run away love?

i think these are all dramatic parts..
 but it did happen in our real life
and sometimes we feel that it is so ridiculous to happen around us.

i am really enjoy with the love scene in drama
its so romantic being in love,
being proposed
being cared
its so wonderful to be loved.

but how it would be without love?
cant i live without love?
without being tied on marriage?

sometimes i think i might be one of the single women in the future
enjoy my single life
i wondered to take wedding photos alone too LOL

 there are increasing numbers where the women who do not get married

"Of the 105 women who responded, the results were evenly split:
  • 45 percent would like to marry
  • 45 percent don't want to marry
  • 10 percent were undecided"
"Marriage ages have risen all over the world"

"In 2010 a third of Japanese women entering their 30s were single. Perhaps half or more of those will never marry. In 2010 37% of all women in Taiwan aged 30-34 were single, as were 21% of 35-39-year-olds. This, too, is more than in Britain and America, where only 13-15% of those in their late 30s are single. If women are unmarried entering their 40s, they will almost certainly neither marry nor have a child."

"As marriage continues to decline in popularity, increasing numbers of men and women in their twenties and thirties are choosing to live alone...
Many women are choosing their careers above marriage and families."

"Two forces are giving women more autonomy: education and jobs. Women's education in East Asia has improved dramatically over the past 30 years, and has almost erased the literacy gap with men. Girls stay at school for as many years as boys, and illiteracy rates for 15-24-year-olds are the same for the two sexes (this is not true of South Asia). In South Korea now, women earn half of all master's degrees."
Do we need to feel pity on these women?
they are all successful women
who are well educated and well-paid
some are even earn more than men

Do they desperate on love sometimes?
Do they feel lonely in the night or even valentines?
Do they feel that they are totally a loser with naked ring fingers?
Or they just made to feel like such losers?

Being scrutinized by friends, family members and others for their singlehood 
i am just curious on those people 
why do they love to ask those crappy questions on woman who is on the age of marriage?
"who dont you find a boyfriend?"
"why dont you get married?"
 Do we supposed to get marry in the age of 25 or above???
is there a law insist that women should get marry in these ages?
if there is a law to put them in jail or sentence those busy body people might be great
i dont think that is caring instead of humiliating.

"In 1950, 90 percent of white female high school graduates had married by age 40"
Single women are highly independence and have great adaption in life
they find their way out to live a different life
they live a life without marriage

 they are not the remainder 
they are just waiting for the right person who precious them most.

“Love Doctor you should know true love doesn’t wait or rush.”
 Indeed, I couldn’t agree more.